• To foster, promote, improve and protect all branches of the poultry, turkey and egg industry; to coordinate the activities of all its member divisions of the poultry industry; and to act as their agent in promoting those things favorable to the poultry industry as a whole, or any part thereof.

  • The Nebraska Poultry Industries (NPI) is a nonprofit organization that supports the poultry industry in a state that ranks fifteenth nationally in egg production. NPI was created in 1970 and acts as the central voice for the Nebraska Poultry Industry and makes significant contributions to the industry by working in partnership with growers, producers, companies, educators, research scientists, the Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the University of Nebraska, and agribusiness to accomplish common goals.

    Major activities of the NPI include organizing and implementing an annual convention for poultry producers and being active in state and national legislative issues relative to the poultry industry. The NPI is also dedicated to providing educational, promotional and research to consumers, food service personnel, health professionals, educators and youth.

    The NPI Board of Directors meets quarterly, in conjunction with the Poultry and Egg Development, Utilization, and Marketing Committee meetings to discuss relevant industry issues.

    Funding for NPI is received through convention income and producer membership dues.

  • The Poultry and Egg Division (PED) is a division within the Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) and was created in 1976 to develop education, promote, and support appropriate research programs to enhance Nebraska's egg and turkey producers in developing and maintaining prosperous industries. Targeted audiences include: consumers, foodservice personnel, health professionals, educators, youth, and media.

    The NDA administers the program with assistance of the Nebraska Poultry and Egg Development, Utilization and Marketing Committee, an advisory committee comprised of duly elected directors of the Nebraska Poultry Industries, Inc. The PED Committee meets quarterly, in conjunction with the Nebraska Poultry Industries Board of Director meetings to address industry, program issues, and approve budgetary expenditures.

    Funding for the division's activities and expenses is generated by a fee of up to 5¢ per thirty dozen eggs sold, and a fee of up to 3¢ per turkey sold. The Nebraska Poultry and Egg Resources Act governs the mandatory check-off and program activities related to this division.


    To develop education, promotion, and/or appropriate research programs to enhance Nebraska's egg and turkey producers in developing and maintaining a prosperous industry.

    PED Committee

    The business, property and affairs of the Poultry and Egg Division (PED) are managed by the Nebraska Department of Agriculture with the assistance of the PED Committee. The PED Committee meets quarterly and at other times as dictated by circumstances.


    • President – Jim Sechrist (2023-2026) - ILC Resources

    • First Vice-President – Carrie McFarland (2020-2025) - H&N North America

    • Second Vice-President – Luke Baldwin (2022-2025) - Lincoln Premium Poultry

    • Secretary-Treasurer – Emily Skillett (2022-2024) – Lincoln Premium Poultry

    Poultry, Turkey and Egg Directors:

    • Steve Welch (2022-2024), Hendrix-ISA

    • Greg Nelson (2021-2027) - Nelson Poultry Farms, Inc.

    • Jim Sechrist (2023-2026) - ILC Resources

    • Adam Hladky (2023-2026) -Hladky Chicken Ranch LLC.

    • Julie Schmid (2023-2026) - RC's Chicken Ranch

    • Michael Rischmueller (2024 - 2027) - Michael Foods Inc.

    Directors At Large:

    • Brent Nelson (2022-2025) - Nelson Poultry Farms, Inc.

    • Carrie McFarland (2022-2025) - H&N North America

    • Pat Melena (2023-2026) - Michael Foods Inc.

    • William Claybaugh (2023-2026) - TWT Farms

    • Emily Skillett (2022-2025) - Lincoln Premium Poultry

    • Wyatt Sandhop (2024-2027) – Hendrix Genetics

    Alternate Directors:

    • Kellee Rasmussen (2022-2025) - 4&4 Farms

    • Alan Sucha (2023-2026) - QC Supply

    • Devin Kumm (2023-2026) - Kumm's Kustom Pullets

    • Ashlee Hartman (2022-2025) - Nebraska Dept. of Agriculture

    • Luke Baldwin (2022-2025) - Lincoln Premium Poultry

    • Emily Benton (2023-2026) - Hendrix Genetics

    The NDA contracts with Nebraska Poultry Industries, Inc. to provide administrative support to the PED Committee and its activities.

  • The business, property and affairs of NPI are managed by a Board of Directors that meets quarterly and at other times as dictated by circumstances.

    • President – Jim Sechrist (2023-2026) - ILC Resources

    • First Vice-President – Carrie McFarland (2020-2025) - H&N North America

    • Second Vice-President – Luke Baldwin (2022-2025) - Lincoln Premium Poultry

    • Secretary-Treasurer – Emily Skillett (2022-2024) – Lincoln Premium Poultry

    Alyssa Brodersen serves the board as Executive Director and with the assistance of Kathi Schildt and maintains the NPI office.